Every month we partake of Communion (the Lord's Supper) at our church. And every month our pastor announces the upcoming event the week before and encourages us to prepare our hearts and minds for this sacrament. I obediently take the time toward the end of the week to pray that God will prepare me for it, but this week He has blessed me with reminding me in a deep way what coming to the Communion Table is about. Please allow me to share a few thoughts with you.
First, I was reminded of what Christ did for me. The sacrifice He made is personal, not generic. He suffered and died for me - personally. He left His throne in heaven, was born a babe, lived a perfect life free of sin and then was tortured and crucified for me. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son" means that God loved me enough to sacrifice His Son on the cross. How can I ever repay this love? Simply put, I cannot.
Second, I was reminded of His resurrection. We partake of the body and blood of Christ through the bread and to represent His sacrifice. But we celebrate His death because of His resurrection!! What a marvelous, mercifcul and glorious God I serve! I stand amazed that He chose me to be His own. I was such a horrible sinner that I would never have left my pig wallow to go to Him. But He called me to Him and when I heard His blessed voice I became a new person. In the resurrection of the Son I have hope of eternal life.
Third, I was convicted of the many times I have partaken of the Communion table casually. Not really thinking of Christ as my Lord and Savior. In fact, not really thinking at all. Just being on auto-pilot, doing what I have done for many years.
My prayer: Lord, please keep Your sacrifice and love for me at the forefront of my mind, heart and life. Please, Father, draw me closer to you with each passing day. Give me joy in serving you, meditating upon you and kneeling at your feet in prayer.
5 years ago
Thanks for these words of wisdom!
ReplyDeletePat, your topic on Communion is very timely with our communion coming up Sunday here at Grace Reformed Baptist Church in Elkader, Iowa. Your keying in on not always being focused when taking communion hit a tender spot with me. I'm guilty of that at times...so easily distracted. Thanks for the reminder. You can be sure, I will remember this gentle reprimand Sunday. Paul and I so enjoyed being a part of Trinity Baptist this past winter and feel so blessed having two great church families 1,000 miles apart. Isn't it wonderful that we have this common bond no matter where we go as brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteTo often people take this ordinance lightly when it is such a blessing and honor to be able to partake of it. And a serious thing to come before our holy God in this manner.