Update on my daddy - May 18, 2013
After a dreadful experience at the rehab hospital, Daddy is now at the OLOL hospital. I won't go into the details but there are many a fault in a move that almost cost my father his life. From a rehab hospital liason who told the dr over the phone that he was ready to leave, to a dr. who listened to the liason and releases the man without even seeing him, to a rehab hospital who was not ready to deal with a man who was not urinating on his own, not transferring on his own, etc. I prayed last night as I could not sleep - seeking God's guidance for us. How faithful He is. Now Daddy is where he can get the necessary medical attention. He may have to go back to surgery as one of the pins has developed an infection. Please keep him and all of us in your prayers.
5 years ago