I was reading my Bible before work this morning and was struck again by the account of Moses and the burning bush. As I grew up I was always fascinated by a bush that burned but was not consumed and identified with Moses when he hid his face as a voice came from the bush for I knew that I would be afraid in the presence of God. But as an adult I have realized that I am always in the presence of God and have become as occupied with the fact that God ordered Moses to take off his shoes because he was on holy ground.
As I have pondered this I have wondered if I am too familiar with God. We are always before God and I don't believe He expects us to wander around barefooted, so why does this speak so strongly to me when I read it. I believe I have come to know the answer after much consideration.
There are places and times when I need to be especially humbled and open before God. Even if I don't physically take off my shoes, I need to become defenseless before God. (I think being in the desert with no shoes would have left a man in a dangerous position of not being able to care for himself.) When I am in our sanctuary at church singing the praises of God and hearing His mighty Word preached, I need to have nothing between my heart and God. I need to be laid open to hear His Word and allow the Holy Spirit to apply it to my life - even if it is painful or humbling. When I am praying, I need to have my mind and heart open and defenseless before my holy and mighty God. When I find myself before someone who needs to hear His Word, I need to empty myself of me and be filled with His thoughts, His words and His Spirit.
How I pray that God will let me see less and less of myself in me and more and more of Him. I pray the same thing for you.
5 years ago
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